
Welcome to AuntieMaim.com!

AME Logo sans redbox

I am Linda S. Cowden, aka Auntie Maim. Thank you for visiting, and welcome!

Auntie Maim Enterprises was formed to provide promotional support for my horror novel, Grimmie. Later, a zine and web radio show (later a podcast) followed. Writing time took over my zine and podcast time, but the interviews are being showcased on the Fiends Radio page here, and more will be added down the road. There are plans in the works for future growth, and new projects will be added as the muse inspires.

I invite you to check out the blog, Seasons in a Jar, where I enjoy showcasing my projects and the works of friends. I will also be posting my thoughts and some written lectures I’ve done for convention panels on the various topics of the writing craft. Musings, ramblings, rants, humor, etc. may be posted as the inspiration strikes.

Grimmie’s page has reviews and information on my horror novel, and a link to the Amazon order page. The eBook is now available, as well.

Arrhythmic Souls, the zine, is on hiatus for now, but back issues can still be ordered. Events, Bio, and a Store are also included.

Other book projects are in the works, as well.

I had the honor and delight of running the author track panels and signings for the authors at the Spooky Empire convention in Orlando, Florida for two years, but now that my stint of working with those awesome people is done, I do have more time to pursue my own projects again.

Whatever dreams you may be chasing, I encourage you to catch them. The next step of our journey is just beginning, and I hope it will be an amazing and fruitful one for all of us!